Saturday 21 October 2017

Week One Term 4

We were lucky to get 5 new children starting in our class this term. They  have come from Room 14 and will be with us until the end of the year. Welcome to Zanna, Ashlynn, Noah, Texira and Zakaia :) 
We have had a very busy first week back with swimming, PMP, lots of investigating and some great writing, reading and maths happening.
Just a reminder that our Library day is Monday. We still swim every Monday at 2.10 and everybody needs to have their hat at school.

We have done some amazing creative writing this week . The children had to imagine what they would wish for. We went dandelion hunting at school and talked about how you can blow a dandelion to make a wish. Here is some of our wonderful creative writing published.


  1. Oh what wonderful wishes Room 8. We wished for super star students this year and we got you guys! Our wish came true.

  2. What super writing you have done Room 8. I hope your wishes come true!
